The rat experiment that serves as a metaphor for achieving your goals

A rat is connected to a string that when it moves its force is measured by the force it exerts on the string. The amount of desire is measured by this force. The rat is subjected to the smell of cheese in front of it, it moves toward the scent and the desire is calculated. Then after the average is calculated the rat is subjected to a smell of a cat from behind as well, the amount of desire is calculated and averaged as well.

The force is disproportionately higher…what does this mean?

It creates a metaphor, do you feel like you need more motivation to acheive the goal in front of you?

The most successful people in life are not only propelled by the scent of a goal in front of them but are running away from mediocrity. The feeling of insufficiency, is the cat ready to eat you for dinner.

Don’t only look forward when chasing something, look behind you, time, mediocrity, the feeling of insufficiency is ready to grab you when you lose tension on your rope. If it’s not a feeling of insufficiency or mediocrity, then find out what it is that is chasing you. You need to learn to use the cat as yet another force to help achieve your version of cheese.


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