Due to the location of this page we will purely assess why doing hard things is necessary purely from a mindset standpoint.

For you older readers out there have any of you realized that throughout time the Superman character in movies/comics has gotten weaker? In the 80’s he was practically indestructible. That made the story pretty damn boring after a while. So what did they do? The storylines started to uncover weaknesses that made the story more interesting because all of a sudden there was a challenge. In order for the story to have any sort of catch, the character needed to have limitations. The same goes with our own lives.

“Life is easy dude.”

I had a kid tell me that once.

Its been 6 years and I still can’t forget that line. Either he is lying or telling the truth and being undoubtedly miserable. If life is easy you’re on an unfulfilling path that will soon make you question.

If your life is easy what is the point? Evolution was propelled through hardship, we advanced as a society because we wanted to rid ourselves of as much hardship. Now that that part of our lives can be gone if we want it to be. We see a rise in the use of SSRIs, suicide rates, in men and women who are unhappy. Many of these issues can be fixed through a challenge/a duty/a reason/a purpose. The path to find a reason, the path to leave the world in a better place than when you found it is difficult. That is the switch that many people need to find, never be satisfied with your place. If life’s easy you aren’t trying hard enough. If superman’s life is easy ridding us of the terrors in his world his story isn’t worth sharing.

Make your story hard enough to make it worth reading.