A guide for the broken hearted
I hope you stumbling on this page will help ease some of your current destructive thoughts.
What people will tell you:
“You need to move on”
“They weren’t the one”
“Block them”
“Delete their pictures”
“Stop thinking about them”
“Why are you still hung up on them”
“Its been so long, why do you still talk about them?”
“Find another”
What I will tell you:
Empathy can be so myopic sometimes. I know those words meant very little to you, it’s not that simple. I am here to tell you that I understand your pain. It’s as if someone stole a part of you, ripped a part of you out of yourself for what feels like without reason. Everything reminds you of them, you see something and want to call that person to tell them, a dagger hits your chest when you remember you cannot. Reminders are painful. Some days will be painful while others may be easier. But as time goes on things do get easier, I promise.
In the end what you do need to try to wrap your head around is the fact that you are finding yourself reading this page for a reason. You were driven to a point where you are no longer with that person. Remember that. If you are here, one of you felt they weren’t as happy as they could be. If you care for yourself and for the other know that one or both of you felt some type of this feeling.
The simple idea that will save you from some of your heartache is this, now is the time for growth. If you are meant to be together you will find each other later in life. When you plant two plants too close to each other sometimes their roots interfere with each other at some point. The simple act of replanting that flower further away can ensure the growth of both. Once they are done growing it is then okay to replant them closer together again. However, you might find that after the plants time away from that area of the garden the spot no longer fulfills their need of sunlight. You will never know though until you’ve let that plant grow alone.
Time is valuable, so use this time to be a better and stronger person. Use the sunlight and grow into a beautiful plant, use the pain you are in as fuel to become better. All valuable growth in life is produced under pressure. Who knows what the future holds, the only thing you have at your fingertips is the present. So work with what you can control.
It is noble to work through pain, suffering, and heartache. People don’t easily see that this path of working on yourself may be harder but is what is more attractive and better for both parties in the end. You are the main character in your movie, you have been dealt a difficult road, a path only some can see light in. Try to see the light, climb out of your hole, fight, and battle each day for that sunlight you know is there.
Be the hero in your story.