Atlas Athletics Inc.

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know your worth

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know your worth-Audio Version Lukas Hanc

There are some things that will be thrown at you that you deserve.

There will be some things that will be thrown at you that you do not deserve.

Based on the person you are, the time spent, the relationships lost, the diligence given, the sweat produced, the sleep lost, the hurdles crossed, the sacrifices made there is a certain level of respect you need to give yourself. That respect is one that is a baseline level that all people who understand who you are should give you.

There are people in this world who will give you less than you deserve. There are people who will treat you poorly. There are also people who will give you more than you deserve. There are also people who will treat you well even when you do not deserve it.

Find out what you are worth and know what is allowed and what isn’t. Make sure you know that what you are given is just, if not, let yourself be known.